Sunday, December 04, 2005

Blog Anxiety

Hello World!
After weeks of serious blog envy I have finally made my own blog!
And yet this much anticipated event is bittersweet...
I have made a sad realization, I am not as clever as I think I am.
As I sit here staring at this empty screen I realize that this is not some nonsense journal entry for me to laugh about later and read out loud to my roommates. People, ok maybe just my mom, are going to read this...gulp.
Somehow all of the clever stories, comments and complaints that I have been holding onto in my mind for so long just waiting to dazzle the world with my witiness, have disappeared. They are gone...they have left me alone. I am left to face the fact that I have blog anxiety.
What if I don't live up to the blog standard?
Will people recognize that I am trying too hard to be funny, and therefore am not funny?
Will I have correct grammar, spelling and punctuation?

All of these thoughts go through my head as my heart races...

And then I realize this...

No one cares...
This blog is for me to have fun and to share what is going on in my life with the people I love, therefore I have had a blog awakening.

Yes world at times I may try too hard to be funny and spell a word wrong, but I still want to be part of the blog fun!

So bare with goes nothing!


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Spence-a-lick said...

Blog awakening? It's fresh, it's bold, it's schmangela! Hooray for boobies!

At 3:08 PM, Blogger Chris said...

Oh doll, the world has been waiting with breath that is baited for your blogging debut! Bravo to you! Ang is FAB. Especially the high notes. The End.

At 12:29 PM, Blogger the doze said...

Hey Alegna. Welcome to the Blogosphere! I say that to all first-time bloggers. Don't let the blog anxiety hold you back. This is your chance to free yourself. I don't know if any of us will ever live up to the superior blogging skills of Chris and Spence... but we can give it the ol' college try.


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