Sugar Blues
Just a quick follow up on my latest blog...
I have since received a phone call from my mom. She recommended that I read one of her favorite books entitled Sugar Blues which apparently features an astonishing photo of a man who shares my vice with treats. It, of course, is a before and after photo of said man before and after he kicks his sweet tooth habit. According to my mom he looks roughly the equivalent of an puss-faced, sallow-cheeked, rotten-toothed excuse of a man before and post-treats becomes extremely good-looking. Its all due to sugar she informed me.
She also informed me that my acne, grumpy disposition and the strife in the middle east would all be solved if I stopped eating sugar. This is the same woman who suggested I duct tape a piece of garlic to a wart on my foot...
I promptly informed her that I would never read that book and that sugar is the best friend I have ever had, besides Christopher and Nancy, and I for one am not a fair-weathered friend...
Your mom cracks me up... but then it is always someone else's mom that makes you laugh, not your own. Sorry. There are already some Valomilks on their way to you now to cheer you up.
Give up SUGAR!? You need to tell your mother to give up the crack! The best part of all is that she thinks giving up the one thing that brings you true joy will cure your grumpiness...oh the sad folly that is motherhood.
Just so you know... duct tape does kill warts. Believe me, I know. I had one on my thumb for several years. I wore a duct tape thumb ring for about 8 weeks, and VOILA! The wart disappeared. You would be a fool to put duct tape AND garlic on a wart. That reverses the effect.
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