Sunday, December 25, 2005

Sugar Blues

Just a quick follow up on my latest blog...
I have since received a phone call from my mom. She recommended that I read one of her favorite books entitled Sugar Blues which apparently features an astonishing photo of a man who shares my vice with treats. It, of course, is a before and after photo of said man before and after he kicks his sweet tooth habit. According to my mom he looks roughly the equivalent of an puss-faced, sallow-cheeked, rotten-toothed excuse of a man before and post-treats becomes extremely good-looking. Its all due to sugar she informed me.
She also informed me that my acne, grumpy disposition and the strife in the middle east would all be solved if I stopped eating sugar. This is the same woman who suggested I duct tape a piece of garlic to a wart on my foot...
I promptly informed her that I would never read that book and that sugar is the best friend I have ever had, besides Christopher and Nancy, and I for one am not a fair-weathered friend...

Friday, December 16, 2005

Treats and Treats

In honor of the Christmas season, I would like to discuss one of my favorite topics: treats.

I love them, I am drawn to them, I give significant thought to how I can get more of them. Unfortunately for me, and this statement may seem sad, they are a big part of my life.
My obsession with treats started at a young age. I feel as if most of my childhood revolved around my conquest to get as much candy as possible. For instance, I remember being really small, probably about 4, and at the store with my mom. There was a huge bin full of those gelatin squares covered in sugar made by Brach's, I don't know if they make them anymore. I remember standing there and gazing at the delicious candy and asking myself, "Can I just take some?" I think my subconcious knew that it was bad, but the call of the sugar cane was too strong and I grabbed a grape gelatin square. I kept it hidden in my pocket until we got home. When we arrived, I ran straight to the guest bathroom, a place that would prove to be a haven for all my future criminal behavior. I felt that it was the one place in my house that I could not be discovered. I would later prematurely open one of my Christmas presents in the same guest bathroom. My mom of course recognized my suspicious behavior and tracked me down...
"Angela? What are you doing in there?"
"Nothing" (sounds of candy wrappers being crumpled and stashed)
"Open the door right now..."

And just like that, I became both thief and treat addict...

My love affair with sugar would continue throughout my childhood. It drove me to steal candy bars from my brother's school fundraiser, eat bakers chocolate straight, and sneak the halloween candy out of the bowl before the trick-or-treaters arrived. Unfortunately this theme still continues throughout my life...

One recent example occurred just a few weeks ago. Monday is my long day right now. I have school all day and then I have to teach about eight flute lessons, the last one ending at 8:30. About three weeks ago I was teaching and hadn't eaten all day. I was starving, which in the life of Angela means I am grumpy beyond reason. I had a short break before lessons, so I ran next door to the Walgreens to grab something to nibble on and subdue my villian alter ego.
I walked in and in a zombie-like trance was pulled into the candy aisle. A normal human being would buy just one thing to tide them over till they could eat protein,
but again the call of the sugar cane was too powerful...
I bought starbursts, red vines, and a caramello for dessert. I could barely make it to the car, where like a wild animal I ripped into the red vines. By the time I had reached my next lesson I had eaten an entire package of red vines and half of the starbursts. I was totally ill...and ashamed.

So as you can see I am a complete sweet tooth of magnificent proportions.
Yes world, I can eat an entire big piece of cheesecake, I love the big cadbury cream eggs at easter, and the more frosting the better.
You will never hear me utter those sad words: "This is too rich"
It simply is never too rich for me.
I guess you could think of me as a superhero of sorts. I cannot leap tall buildings in a single bound, but I can eat five s'mores in a row!
In conclusion, I would just like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas, may you eat all the treats you desire and find comfort knowing that somewhere there is a girl who on Christmas Eve is not only dreaming of sugar plums, but also pumpkin pie, doughnuts, eggnog, sugar cookies, cake...mmmm...cake...

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Blog Anxiety

Hello World!
After weeks of serious blog envy I have finally made my own blog!
And yet this much anticipated event is bittersweet...
I have made a sad realization, I am not as clever as I think I am.
As I sit here staring at this empty screen I realize that this is not some nonsense journal entry for me to laugh about later and read out loud to my roommates. People, ok maybe just my mom, are going to read this...gulp.
Somehow all of the clever stories, comments and complaints that I have been holding onto in my mind for so long just waiting to dazzle the world with my witiness, have disappeared. They are gone...they have left me alone. I am left to face the fact that I have blog anxiety.
What if I don't live up to the blog standard?
Will people recognize that I am trying too hard to be funny, and therefore am not funny?
Will I have correct grammar, spelling and punctuation?

All of these thoughts go through my head as my heart races...

And then I realize this...

No one cares...
This blog is for me to have fun and to share what is going on in my life with the people I love, therefore I have had a blog awakening.

Yes world at times I may try too hard to be funny and spell a word wrong, but I still want to be part of the blog fun!

So bare with goes nothing!